December 20th, 2018
When I got the call from Hunter early Tuesday morning, I ran into the kitchen to tell Russ. I still could not process what he had just told me!
This is story is one for the books so I’m borrowing Hannah’s words. It is one I will never ever forget!
“Welcome to the world, John Walters “John Walt” Leary! Baby BOY was born on 12/17/18 (MaMa and Pop’s 35th Anniversary). He weighs 7lbs, 7oz and is 20.5 inches long.

The name John was chosen for its meaning “God is gracious” and Walters is my Grandmother’s maiden name.

John Walt’s birth story is definitely one we will never forget!!! After a day of zero action, my water broke at 8:45 PM and he was born at 9:29 PM going down I-85 90 miles an hour in our failed attempt to make it to the hospital 😳

Hunter and I have been blessed with two perfectly healthy boys- to which we give God all the glory and praise.”

December 19th, 2018
“All I did was praise
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still…”
I got the text Friday night…”My water broke at 6:30…I’ll keep you updated.” And my heart started racing with excitement. Cora would be here before we knew it!
As I got the text she was headed to the hospital, I ran out the door.
Cora was on her way!
I arrived to the most beautiful scene. John, Alice’s rock, guiding her, encouraging her. Her friend, there, too, encouraging, stepping in when needed.

And after a night of labor, strength found in the most beautiful prayers, Cora arrived at 6:27 am perfect as could be.

Boy, the years they fly by so fast….”
-Adeline Hill, How Can it Be Time Already